Studies and Research

Russia and the West: Background to the Conflict and Foreseeing Its Outcomes. Arabic

The war taking place today on the Ukrainian stage between Russia and the West seems to be the closest Russian declaration to a historical separation with the West and with the current international system: the international political system represented by the United Nations, the global economic system defined by the Bretton Woods institutions and the hegemony of the American sphere, and the societal-cultural system represented by the emerging Western religious-liberal behavioral fads.

Reflection on Sudan- July -4

There has been growing regional and international attention towards Sudan’s crisis since a couple of month back, the international community has been pre-occupied with Ukraine and Gazza conflict as well as other international matters, many events took place during the period ,Cairo conference for Sudanese political and social bodies, Addis Ababa consultative initial preparatory forum where some political and civilian bodies refused to take part in the preparatory discussion in Addis from 10-15 July,

Reflection on Sudan- July -3

The War in Sudan has almost 15 months old since its eruption in mid May 2023, although the month of July has witnessed significant diplomatic moves at the regional and international levels, the military operations has been and still fierce specially in Khartoum , Elgazeera and Sinnar states ,as well sporadic military confrontations in Darfur and Kordofan state.

Reflection on Sudan- July -2

The international and regional diplomatic efforts have been in Rising since the beginning of July 2024 amid fears of Sudan’s conflict to spell out to the neighboring countries, who have been suffering the negative impacts of the war. High level visits by senior officials from the region, the African Union preliminary Sudanese- Sudanese Discussions in Addis Ababa commence amid absences of some political parties and blocks,

Reflection on Sudan- July -1

The month of July Will be considered in Sudanese history as the month of political and diplomatic initiatives, the intra- Sudanese discussion in Cairo has just been concluded, and the African Union after its last communique on Sudan 21 June 2024, is currently continue arranging for a preparatory meeting for 50 prominent Sudan figures to Addis –Ababa in the period from 10-15 July.

Mandate of the Ministry of Finance Over Public Money and the Issue of Mismanagement

Perhaps it is one of the most important factors in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of macroeconomic policies and then achieving, its goals and objectives, harmony. Good coordination between the economic units of ministries, agencies, and institutions, which should seek to implement the directives of these policies in a way that leads to achieving the desired economic stability and thus contributes to stimulating the economic development of the country.

Enhancing the Contribution of Authorities and Companies to Public Revenues

The idea of public finance in its simplest form is for governments to collect revenues from their sources the various types like taxes, customs, and state-owned enterprises in order to provide services, like public health, education, security, infrastructure, roads, bridges, and transportation in addition to economic welfare, through efficient and effective management of public funds to reduce financial and administrative corruption and the optimal use of material and human resources, and the achievement of the principle of accountability and transparency and control of the joints of the economy as a whole through the establishment of modern administrative concepts associated with it, achieving the desired goals for the desired economic development events, such as governance and management risks, and comprehensive quality, without which no institution can achieve its objectives and plans.

Reform of Revenue Policies

Sudan faces fragile economic, financial, social, and political challenges, represented by the general budget deficit, high external debt, low national income, high prices and lack of total supply of basic commodities, low purchasing power, and depreciation of the local currency and other problems that have been exacerbated by many global economic conditions. Many global events such as climate change, the lockdown period due to Covid-19, and the Russian-Ukrainian war have exacerbated the slowdown in the pace of the global economy, which increases the possibility of stagflationary risks in many low-income economies, including Sudan.

Revenue Development and the Delegation of the Ministry of Finance Over Public Money

Money is the backbone of life and countries, like people, need financial resources in order to survive, It’s a continuous process, that grows, and develops, especially in light of the complexities witnessed by countries that are witnessing steady growth countries that are witnessing For their duties and tasks towards its citizens and its regional and international responsibilities, the state was not the same. The tasks and duties that we knew from the beginning of its emergence until the end of the twentieth century. Numerous developments and complex responsibilities, starting from achieving prosperity and stability for their societies to commitment to international covenants such as human rights, climate change, international crises…etc.

Framework Paper on Public Resources and Revenues and Electronic Collection Systems

Public revenues represent one of the basic elements of the public budget and financial performance indicators that reflect the efficient performance of the economic and service sectors in achieving financial balance and optimal utilization of resources according to the public fiscal policy strategy. The budget preparation process and the information available in its documents constitute a key factor for enhancing transparency in the field of proposals for public expenditures and revenues and a solid base for evaluation and sustainable financial development.

Managing Financial and Economic Risks

There are many risks that economic and financing institutions face during their course so it can be said that risks are among the elements inherent in any activity that occurs in the institution, so it is not possible to reach the ruled goals without facing these risks, and among the most important and oldest risks in the field of business are financial risks, which vary between liquidity Risks related to financial markets, risks arising from the difficulty of controlling accounting techniques, and risks related to the difficulty of controlling costs and expenditures.

The Role of Women's Economic Activity in Alleviating Poverty in Conflict-affected Areas in Sudan

The study examined the role of women’s economic activity in alleviating poverty in conflict-affected areas in Sudan, a case study of the Dilling locality in South Kordofan state. The study aims to know the type of economic activity of women in conflict areas, in addition to knowing the impact of this activity on improving the economic situation of the family.

Russia and the West: The Background of the Conflict and Predicting Its Fate

The war taking place today on the Ukrainian scene between Russia and the West seems closer to a Russian declaration of a historic agreement with the West, and with the current international order:
The international political system is represented by the United Nations, the global economic system is characterized by the Bretton Woods institutions and the dominance of the US dollar, and the societal-cultural system is represented by the newly emerging secular-liberal Western traditions of behavior.

DDR and Arms Control in Sudan

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that Singed in May 2005 between the GOS and the Sudan Revolutionary & Liberation Movement (SPLM) Considered DDR as an inclusive instrument in Demobilizing and downsizing combatants from both Sides, a national Coordination Council for DDR is formed to look after strategic and fund raising matters and to oversee the overall performance of the two commissions in Sudan and South Sudan, Subsequently a national strategy on DDR was signed by the National DDR Coordination Council (NDDRC) in 2008 With a caseload of 90 000 Former Combatants from each and had assigned the two commission to undertake the implementation of the said caseload.

The Internal Ethiopian Situation and Its Impact On The Countries of The Region And The Role Of The International Community

It is not possible to isolate the knowledge and historical knowledge of some of the Ethiopian situation that constitutes the political behavior that dominates the official Ethiopian mentality and the view of its policymakers towards the external other, whether neighboring or beyond, but it shares with it in the regional and international environment.

Walking a Tightrope: The Transition from UNAMID to UNITAMS in Sudan

The UN’s ongoing transition in Sudan is among the most complex reconfigurations the organization has ever attempted. Drawing down the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) has been a priority for the organizations since 2017, but Sudan’s political revolution in April 2019 and the subsequent installation of a transitional government radically transformed the context.

The Rebels Reach Khartoum

The International Crisis Group issued its Report No. 168 on February 23, 2021, How to implement the Juba Peace Agreement, “signed on October 3, 2020,” which made it available
Talking about the joining of armed movements to the transitional government, with the exception of Abdel Wahid Muhammad Nour’s movement And Abdulaziz Al-Hilu.

Darfur Conflict Transformation Prospective

The Darfur conflict in Sudan began in 2003 and escalated to become a major armed conflict. Since then, many attempts to bring peace took place. There are
still some humanitarian efforts carried out by regional actors who are supported by the international community.

Stabilization in Darfur: Priorities and Interventions

To share a proposed overview with the Government of the Republic of Sudan, Regional and International Partners on priorities and planned actions for stabilization in Darfur, in conjunction with the exit of the United Nations and African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

Sudan’s Arms Collection Project – concept, Justifications, and Implementation Modalities

The collection of arms and arms control is a process that involves local, regional, and international dimensions due to the threat that arms pose to global peace and security.

The best methods used in the world to control weapons And his vision of the situation in Sudan

Globally used methods of controlling weapons

The proliferation of small arms and light weapons, their wrong use, trafficking, and illegal possession are among the issues that the world pays great attention to, as established by the United Nations Program of Action in 2001.

Societal security and arms control in Darfur Paper presented at the community peace conference in West Darfur state

What is societal security:
Community security is a concept that seeks to work for human security and human development and to link that to joint work between the government and societies at the grassroots level.

Control of small arms and light weapons in Darfur

The spread of firearms began in Darfur with the entry of the colonizer in 1916 when advanced types of weapons were available. The colonialist policy was aimed at strengthening the tribal leaders and providing them with weapons for security purposes.